


Pakistan Studies: A Book of Readings - Sikandar Hayat

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The purpose of this book is to provide students, and especially the undergraduate students in Pakistan, with one easy, accessible book to cover the compulsory course of Pakistan Studies being taught in colleges and universities in Pakistan. However, the book will be equally helpful for those taking the competitive examinations in the country, both federal and provincial exams. It covers a wide range of subjects on Pakistan.

Contributing Authors
Farzand Masih
Kashif Shafique
Muhammad Younis
Arfa Sayeda Zehra
Uzma Hanif
Saeed Shafqat
Sara Rizvi Jafree
Nukhbah Taj Langah

About the Author: Sikandar Hayat is Distinguished Professor of History and Public Policy and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences at the Forman Christian College University, Lahore. He joined the university in 2013. In 2014-17, he was Chair of the Department of History and Pakistan Studies. He has published extensively on Pakistan Movement, and especially its political leadership. His books include Aspects of the Pakistan Movement (NIHCR, 1991, 1998, 2016): The Charismatic Leader Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the Creation of Pakistan (OUP, 2008, 2014/2018); and Leadership Odyssey: Muslim Separatism and the Achievement of the Separate State of Pakistan (OUP, 2021). Currently, he is working on a biographical study, JINNAH, for Routledge Historical Biographies Series (UK).

Title: Pakistan Studies: A Book of Readings
Edited by: Sikandar Hayat
ISBN: 9693534557
Subject: Essays, History, Pakistan
Language: English
Number of Pages: 322
Year of Publication: 2023

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